Forging Steel out of Jelly
It took me far too long to realize that just about everything in life requires hard work. Inspiration can carry a writer, painter, artist, fat guy with a backpack only so far. At some point the writer begins to work on the craft of writing, or she is stuck pouring her raw talent into facebook updates. The painter learns to see light, or he is left with doing cartoon drawings of his coworkers. A fat man with a backpack gets off his ass and tries to turn some of that fat to muscle or he is doomed to forever craning his neck to look up at the places he longs to climb, but is unable to reach. I've carved fifty pounds off my frame, and still have at least another fifty to go. Trudging up the side of Guadalupe Peak was a challenge that I passed, but in June when I try to climb the 13,141 feet tall Wheeler Peak I won't have boyhood dreams pushing me along when my legs turn to jelly. I have to turn as much of that jelly into corded strands of steel as possible. I can't train...